How Google EAT can Turn Around your Website

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How Google EAT can Turn Around your Website

If you are looking for ways to boost your rankings, then one of the first things to think about is EAT. When you establish these key elements through your SEO, you’re going to have a lot more success and find your website ranking at the top of the SERP’s much more often.

What is EAT?

EAT stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, and they are three essential elements that Google looks for.

Google wants to make sure it is showing the very best results for any given query, so if your page is going to feature at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs), it is got to tick several boxes. If you can demonstrate your expertise, authority, and trustworthiness though, then you are going to put yourself in a good position.

You can look at EAT as “Google’s way of protecting users from low-quality content,” which means you’ve got to have a focus on quality.


People often think that having expertise is about having knowledge, but when it comes to SEO, expertise is just as much about how you communicate that knowledge. You see a lot of business websites where the business clearly has the expertise, but they do not put any effort into their content, so they can’t convey that expertise.

You have got to be able to find a way of understanding what questions your target audience is asking and then answer them in a concise, easy to understand way. When you do this, you are going to start to establish your expertise through actionable information.

The emphasis here is really on quality. There are lots of websites out there putting out great content, so to stand out, you have got to go the extra mile.


Google might see that you have written a big piece of content on “The 5 Most Important Rock-Climbing Techniques,” but how does it know that what you have written is accurate? This is where establishing yourself and your website as an authority is essential, so how can you do this?

Build Your Link Profile

There is no surer way to establish yourself as an authority in Google’s eyes than to have other industry experts linking to you. If you can get other high-quality websites in your niche to link back to you, then it is a strong sign that you know what you are talking about.

Tell People Why the Author is an Authority

Google wants to see who wrote the article, and why they should trust this person, so including an author bio is essential. Not only does this help with Google, but it also helps your visitors trust your content more.


There are a lot of questionable websites on the internet, so you want to go out of your way to make sure you are honest and secure.

Steps such as completing about pages and contact pages, listing a terms and conditions page on your site, providing a physical location, getting reviews, and having SSL security all go a long way to making you more trustworthy in the eyes of Google.

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